What is 5G network? Its features, applications and how it works?

The fifth generation wireless network (5G) is the latest evolution of mobile technology, designed to increase the speed and responsiveness of wireless networks. With 5G, data transmitted over wireless broadband connections can travel at speeds of up to 20 Gbps according to some estimates - surpassing the speed of wired networks - while creating very low latency. with only 1ms or less for applications that require real-time responsiveness. 5G will also allow an increase in the amount of data transmitted via wireless systems with greater bandwidth support and more advanced antenna technology.

In addition to improvements in speed, capacity and latency, 5G also provides network management features, including network cutoff, allowing mobile operators to create multiple virtual networks within a single 5G network. physical. This capability will allow wireless network connections to support specific business needs or models and can be sold on a service basis. For example, a self-driving car will require a network layer that provides extremely fast, low-latency connections for a vehicle to be able to navigate in real time. However, a home appliance can be connected via a slower network connection, consuming less power because of the high performance issue that doesn't matter. With Internet of Things (IoT), it is only possible to use secure connections and only data.

5G networks and services will be rolled out in stages over the next few years to meet the growing reliance on mobile devices and internet connections. Overall, 5G is expected to create a range of new applications and business models as technology becomes available.

How does 5G wireless network work?

Wireless networks consist of "cells" divided into areas that send data via radio waves. 4G LTE (Long-Term Evolution) technology will provide the foundation for 5G. Unlike 4G, which requires large, high-capacity mobile towers to transmit signals over longer distances, 5G wireless signals will be transmitted over a large number of small mobile stations located in places such as lamppost or roof. The use of multiple small cells is necessary because the millimeter wave spectrum - the spectrum between 30 GHz and 300 GHz that 5G relies on to create high speeds - can only travel over short distances and is subject to weather interference and Obstacles like buildings.

Previous generations of wireless technology have used lower frequency bands. To offset the millimeter-wave challenges associated with distance and interference, the wireless industry is also considering using a lower frequency spectrum for 5G networks so that network operators can use the spectrum they already have. own to build new network. However, the lower frequency spectrum achieves greater distances but has lower speeds and power than millimeter waves.

What is the current state of 5G deployment?

Wireless network operators in four countries - the United States, Japan, South Korea and China - are largely pushing for the construction of the first 5G networks. They are expected to spend billions of dollars on 5G investment costs until 2030, according to Technology Business Research Inc., though it's unclear how 5G services will generate returns on that investment. Developing applications and business models that take advantage of 5G can address operators' revenue concerns.

At the same time, standards bodies are working on universal 5G device standards. The 3rd Generation Partner Project (3GPP) approved the new 5G Radio standard (NR) in December 2017 and is expected to complete the 5G mobile core standard needed for 5G mobile services. by the end of 2018. The 5G radio system is not compatible with 4G radio, but network operators who have invested in wireless networks can recently upgrade to a new 5G system through software instead of buying equipment. new equipment.

With almost complete 5G wireless device standards and the first 5G-compatible smartphones and related wireless devices to be on the market in 2019, 5G applications will start to appear. from 2020 to 2025, according to predictions by Technology Business Research. By 2030, 5G services will become a mainstream trend and it is expected to move from virtual reality content (VR) distribution to automated media navigation enabled by time communication. Real (RTC).

What types of 5G wireless services will be provided?

The carriers are developing two types of 5G services.

5G fixed wireless broadband service provides internet access to every home and business without traditional wired connection. To do that, network operators deploy NRs in small-scale cell cells near buildings to send signals to rooftop receivers or amplified on-site windows. Fixed broadband services are expected to help operators provide broadband services to families and businesses less expensive because this method eliminates the need to deploy fiber optic lines. to every residence. Instead, operators only need to install fiber optic cable into cellular cells and customers receive broadband service through wireless modems located in their neighborhoods or businesses.

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