2.5 billion pixel image captures a panoramic view of Mars

NASA synthesized more than 1,100 images taken from the camera on the Perseverance robot to create the new and clearest panorama of the red planet's surface.

The video explores in detail a panoramic shot of the Martian surface. Photo: NASA

The new Mars panorama includes rocks, sand, sky and a robotic rover. On September 14, NASA shared the most detailed image of the surface of Mars ever with video. In the video Rachel Kronyak, member of Perseverance's science operations team leads viewers through an ancient river delta at Jezero Crater. The video also highlights sedimentary rocks, hills, cliffs, the rover's wheel tracks, and the specimen collection area.

The resolution of the new image exceeds that of the Gale crater panorama from 2020's Curiosity rover (1.8 billion pixels). The photo is compiled from 1,118 separate photos taken with Perseverance's Mastcam-Z camera system, located on the "head of the vehicle" between June 12 and 20. The color processed version weighs in at 3.85 GB. NASA shared the video before holding a press conference summarizing the 1.5 years on Mars of Perseverance.

The delta in the photo is an important place to explore due to its history of containing water. NASA hopes Perseverance will help answer the question of whether Mars once had microbial life. Self-propelled robots are collecting samples in the delta to bring back to Earth for future research.

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